Friday, February 10, 2023

Preventive hygiene signs


Dining room

Seeing this sign is indicating that there are dining rooms nearby so you can get to eat the food we have



When we see an image of this type in some places they are telling us to wash our hands where they are indicating us  


keep the bathroom clean

Usually this signaling we see in the bathrooms and this means that we keep the bathrooms clean and be hygienic


Use the handrail

In this signage indicates that it is necessary to use the railing of the stairs for greater safety

Use the mask

Seeing this sign is telling us to make use of the mask for our safety

Body signals


Cover or touch your mouth

If it is done while speaking it can mean an attempt to hide something. If it is done while listening, it may be a sign that that person believes that something is being hidden from them.


Index finger in mouth

Direct order to keep quiet


Rub an eye

It is an attempt to block out what is seen so that you do not have to look the person being lied to in the face. Beware of people who touch their nose a lot and rub their eyes when talking to you


Show open palm

Expresses sincerity and honesty, while clenching the fist shows the opposite.


Touch the ear

It is the unconscious representation of the desire to block the words that are heard. If your interlocutor does it while you are talking, it may mean that he wants you to stop talking.

Warning signs


Electric shock risk

This electrical shock hazard sign reminds people to be cautious as there is a possibility of electrical shock while in this area.

Explosive materials

It is used to indicate that a substance has the potential to explode if placed under certain conditions.


Flammable materials

The flame symbol alerts users that a chemical is flammable. It can also indicate a chemical may be pyrophoric, self-heating, self-reactive, or emit flammable gas. It may also indicate a chemical includes organic peroxides.


Radioactive materials

It must be displayed where there are certain amounts of radioactive materials or where certain doses of radiation can be received.


Toxic materials

Substances, such as poisons and highly concentrated acids, that have an immediate and severe toxic effect.

Prohibition signs


Authorized Personnel Only

This sign informs people that only authorized personnel are allowed to enter an area.


Do not touch

You can display this safety notice in the area to warn people not to touch the object.


Littering prohibited

A standard Littering Prohibited sign is used to remind highway users that littering is not tolerated along the highway right-of-way or within safety rest areas, vehicle inspection stations and other designated or non- designated roadside areas where motorists may stop.


No parking

This means you are prohibited even when the vehicle is occupied unless you are actively engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. Drivers are not allowed to wait for their passenger while in a "no parking zone.

No smoking

A no smoking somewhere sign is a notice saying that smoking is prohibited in that place, it should be prominently displayed in restaurants and hotels.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Traffic signals


Bifurcation in Y

This traffic sign warns about the fork in the road. The main path will be the thickest line.


Closed cruve

This type of signal is used to indicate curves to the right or left with a curvature greater than 90 degrees.


Warns about the intersection of two roads. The widest line will indicate the main path while the narrowest is the secondary.

Crossing road.

Point out the junction with train tracks at the same level of the road. 



Used to indicate right or left curves that are less than 90 degrees.


Warns about a path frequented by cyclists or a specific crossing of these vehicles.


Dangerous slope

He warns of a downward path in which it will be necessary to brake constantly.

Double circulation

The sign is used to mark the change from one-way traffic to two-way traffic. 


Indicates the presence of a drawbridge on the road. A drawbridge can move horizontally to allow the passage of boats.



Indicates the exit of a main road. The thin line will indicate whether the exit is to the left or to the right.


Finish pavement

It signals the end of the pavement and the presence of a dirt road.


Height limit

It indicates the space limit vertically when it is less than 4.30 meters. Normally a second board indicates the maximum height.


Incorporation of transit

This type of sign warns about the addition of traffic going in the same direction. The incorporation will be on the side that marks the thinnest line.


Landslide zone

Warns of an area where landslides can occur.


Next stop

It is one of the least known but very common preventive traffic signs. Warns of a nearby stop sign.


Pedestrian crossing

It indicates a path with constant pedestrian crossing or a specific pedestrian crossing.

School zone

Warns about an area of nearby schools for the driver to slow down.




This sign warns about the presence of a traffic light nearby, usually at crossings or in areas where you do not expect to find them. 

Skidding Surface

This road sign will indicate a slippery stretch of pavement. It is a temporary signal.


It is one of the most well-known road signs whose meaning. It is mainly used in four situations:

1. At the junction of two roads with great affluence.

2. At the junction of a secondary road with a main road.

3. At the junction of any road with a railway line.

4. At urban crossroads where there is a high risk of accidents.

For any of the situations the sign will be placed on the road with less traffic.


Water stream

It warns of a low stream of water through which it can circulate.

Width limit

The signal is used to indicate a narrow road that does not allow the circulation of two vehicles simultaneously. It is usually accompanied by an additional board that indicates the exact width of the road.

Winding Road

Means the presence of two or more reverse curves in the road.


It indicates the possibility of finding cattle on the Railroad 

Workers on the road

The signaling indicates the presence of workers on the road.

Preventive hygiene signs

    D       Dining room Seeing this sign is indicating that there are dining rooms nearby so you can get to eat the food we have     H      ...