Friday, February 10, 2023

Prohibition signs


Authorized Personnel Only

This sign informs people that only authorized personnel are allowed to enter an area.


Do not touch

You can display this safety notice in the area to warn people not to touch the object.


Littering prohibited

A standard Littering Prohibited sign is used to remind highway users that littering is not tolerated along the highway right-of-way or within safety rest areas, vehicle inspection stations and other designated or non- designated roadside areas where motorists may stop.


No parking

This means you are prohibited even when the vehicle is occupied unless you are actively engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. Drivers are not allowed to wait for their passenger while in a "no parking zone.

No smoking

A no smoking somewhere sign is a notice saying that smoking is prohibited in that place, it should be prominently displayed in restaurants and hotels.

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    D       Dining room Seeing this sign is indicating that there are dining rooms nearby so you can get to eat the food we have     H      ...